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COMMUNION – we remember.

In our church we have been looking for words to use in the flow of sung worship to introduce and lead our congregation through communion. This is one such form of words focusing not only on the act of Sacrifice but also the person of Jesus.


We come to this table to remember. Not only what was done on the cross, But also the one who died there.

We come and we remember our God; Our all sufficient saviour; Our victorious King … And we find ourselves lost in wonder. We see the bread and we remember Jesus;  His body given. We look a moment longer and we see his kindness, His generosity, His faithfulness and friendship. We remember his words of truth and life, Of joy and sorrow and hope. And so as followers of Jesus we eat this bread to remember him, as he instructed us to do. We remember that final sacrifice. We remember the one who gave his life that we might live. And as we eat we are reminded that we receive that life:

Sustaining, releasing, secure and joyful life. Life to the full. The kind of life that Jesus lived.

We eat with repentant and thankful hearts. We remember Jesus.


We have come to this table to remember. Not only what has been, or will be, because of the cross, But also the one who died there.

We have come to remember him. The one still enthroned in glory. The one who was and is and is to come. The one who will always be enough. The one who is the name above all names. The one who will come again to claim his bride.

As we see the cup we remember And we look forward; with inexpressible and glorious joy, with a deep, secure and certain expectation.

We drink with repentant and thankful hearts. We remember Jesus.

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