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I wondered what would happen if all businesses existed for the 'verygood' of their partners and customers ...'verygood' isn't a word - but I wonder if it could be? This is our adventure of, daring to imagine another way, a kinder way, to do business. 


or to start at the beginning click here and scroll up

Our story
20 MAY 2023
We're at Witney Festival of Food and Drink ...
Our story
MAY 2023
Well that's a surprise ... PHUDJ has morphed from full-on-in-your-face cake to ever-so refined spherical loveliness. Thank you indeed ... Why? Well, honestly it just felt right, and kind, and fun. And the unnecessary amounts of product testing that has been enjoyed in the PHUDJ kitchen testifies to ease of picking up a ball and eating it! No longer do PHUDJERS need to find a knife to slice a slice. I'll let you in to a secret ... we discovered that some of our PHUDJERS used spoons to just dig out a big lump of fudge - crazy people!!! We also discovered a few that picked up the entire cake and just bit a chunk out of it ... oh my!

So anyway PHUDJ ...
still uses organic ingredients wherever possible - all cream, butter and sugar in the fudge is organic. All chocolate is organic a few of the other ingredients we're working on sourcing organic.

still nestles in an endlessly recyclable tin on compostable non silicon baking parchment - and we're transitioning to recycled paper stickers.

still made using renewable energy from ecotricity

still incredible - but now spherical!
Humpty Dumpty Fudgey Dudgey - 'nough said! 
We're getting out love on down at our local sustainable grocery store - Wast0. Our traditional flavours are joined by a new friend ... rose petal and white chocolate. Perfect for valentines or Mothering Sunday. 
PHUDJ and I are off to get the long awaited [deep breath ...] Billingtons Organic Natural Unrefined Golden Caster Sugar. 
2023 has dawned upon us far sooner than anyone thought possible and a window has opened through which we and PHUDJ shall climb. Not an actual window - it is far too cold here to open actual windows! But a metaphorical window has flung itself wide with invitation. And whilst a door would have been more useful - we have a window.
I had a chat with PHUDJ she fancied a bit of refresh in her branding - so we've done that and next month our online shop will be fully stocked and ready to go. This months tasks include ... 
Videos - PHUDJ is a bit of a diva!
Delivery - the mailing of such precious cargo demands a better box and a better courier.
Invitation - a party perhaps or just a big old social media, "hey there!"
A classic was remade ... The cranberries decided to find out what it might feel like to be paired with dark chocolate instead of white - they weren't sure at first but decided they liked it - brave little berries!
Bah Humbug made it's first appearance! surprising itself by being a wonderfully joyful little fudge.
And of course the good old favourites were there.
No fudge was made! None - I took a break.
Will I ever make fudge again.
Will this be the be the year of fudge that i thought it could be?
So there were some epic adventures in Eastery Fudgeness. This was a season of more chocolate and sugar than should really be allowed. But surprisingly the most fabulous easter fudge was Simnel Fudge. 

You might not know what a Simnel Cake is? It is basically a fruit cake with marzipan baked in to the centre and 11 balls of marzipan toasted on the top! It is brilliant. Our Simnel fudge basically did away with the cake and replaced it with the best fudge we know how to make! And we added the twelfth ball back on. Each ball represents one of the disciples ... And judas doesn't get a ball; because int he easter story he betrays Jesus and then Judas goes off and kills himself. So traditionally 11 balls. BUT. Wait a mo /// I think he still deserves a place ... we all deserve a place. No matter what we have done there's forgiveness and there's hope! And so simnel fudge = 12 balls.

Other adventures - a whole creme egg, a mashed up creme egg, mini creme eggs, mini eggs, and fudge in an easter egg.

Looking forward to next spring - when this might all be available to purchase by people just like you! People who like adventures and fudge.
Well January, you happened. 
Everyone is getting fudge for Christmas ... sorry if you don't like fudge :)

*UPDATE* Turns out everyone does like fudge. So that's good. Except my vegan family - who would like it ... but will need to wait for me to perfect my vegan recipe to find out!
So as to give focus, 2022 will be the year 'it' happens or doesn't.
Can I build a fudge company from scratch?
A company that is 'verygood'?
A company where the workers and the shoppers share an equal joy.
Here's the challenge. Let's see ...
I need to learn how to make fudge.
Follow me on instagram @jasonhuffadine to see how that has been going! 
My children and friends have been positive - they were even 'kind' about the vegan fudge! That may yet become a thing? 
My wife (Scottish) continually reminds me ... "It's not tablet!" Having spent half term in Scotland ... tablet may also have to become a phudj thing. Oh yes - it's phudj - 'verygood' fudge
Memories of fudge - happy memories
I'm going to open a fudge shop - that's a surprise ... to me!
There is a distinct joy that I feel whenever I step into a fudge shop.
It happened again today. But this time that sugary-holiday-joy-of-discovery collided with 'verygood'.
The beginning
Scroll up to read our story so far from the beginning 

Scroll down to read our VERYGOOD manifesto

Our VERYGOOD manifesto 2023


VERYGOOD is an attitude.

A different way of business.


We will leave only goodness in the footsteps of our adventure


We will exist to sustainably care for people and creation


We will make decisions based on kindness


We will encourage other adventurers to think differently about business



This may change.

We may trip up; we have permission to fail or triumph or just about make it.

But right now, this is our intention.

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