I just need to know that you care,
That you are interested,
That you’re there.
But the problem is I’ve set the parameters of knowing,
I’ve dictated how I will be shown,
I’ve wanted to know how I want to know,
And you’re not doing what I want you to do,
What I think you should do.
What ‘my’ God would do … What I would do if I were you.
So I’m stuck.
Either you’re not there,
You don’t care,
Or you’re doing something else.
And I know these thoughts should have a turn point
An axis where it all gets good again, and
I declare some awesome stuff about you …
But right now, I’m stuck.
In this moment, I’m lost.
Is that ok? It doesn’t feel ok.
So I just need to know that you care,
That you’re interested,
That you are there.
So the walls of my God box … torn down.
The list called ‘my God does’ … torn up.
My expectations are restored to factory settings and I’m empty,
I’m waiting.
I still want you to do what my heart longs for,
Breaks for,
Yearns for.
My soul cries “How long O Lord”
Every part cries it,
Weeps it,
Shouts it.
You’re not doing it my way,
So just do it any way;
Show me you’re there,,
Show me you’re interested
Show me you care.