My child, Your journey may be scattered with shame, Have been slowed by distraction and pain, And filled by the rhythm of untruth; But you are welcome.
My child, You may have spoken out of turn and laughed in arrogant pride, Run faster to be first to cross the line, And spoken harshly, unfairly or bitterly to cover your own brokenness; But you are welcome.
My child, You may have hated sinner and saint alike, Dishonoured and despised both wrong and right, Lied to get in and lied to get out and fought to be back in again; But you are welcome.
My child, You may have stoled, enslaved and abused through choice or neglect, Been tempted and swayed by desire and now stand in regret, Faltered and been shaken by every season of life; But you are welcome.
Because …
I have made a way.