Cordah, vienti, schima to carvi, Ree-amesh so corda, vee-ess, Hammah, toh sandi, vichar-mass shi-manda, Rian toh, sivanka, horem.
Sound like the rolling and twisting of violence Sound like the beating of drum. Ripping the tendon and sinew of earth life Restoring the kingdom of love.
Verse one is written in tongues with verse two an interpretation. The image is of Alena Romanova used with permission from Pixabay. I love the section in, The Magicians Nephew (CS Lewis) where Aslan sings the creation of Narnia. In my reading of Psalm 29 I hear the singing of Yahweh restoring his kingdom. I love this image of Alena as, for me her face captures something of the pain and hope of God.