The hope song in my chest beats hot blood through these steel veins,
But surrounded I can neither sing, nor fight, nor flee;
Wickedness deadens the sound;
completely surrounds;
It has ensnared me,
6 foot underground.
Eyes falter to the darkness
Remembering what shelter and strength and joy have been.
Delights of morning lights the gentle summer breeze.
But I have fallen far.
Fallen from the swathes of happiness; all strength leaves.
Trod under foot; rejection’s dirt alone to breathe.
Promise forgot.
Life done,
Crescendoed into silence.
Yet … springtime comes
Always comes.
And what is this within my chest?
The silence was a pause!
The night; a rest!
Death a mere winter repose to catch tomorrow’s song!
So, fear be buried with me
And there you can remain
As I arise and vindication claim.
Light will come again,
And I will sing creators sweet refrain,
I can already feel the hope beat in these steel veins.